Treatment Of Diarrhea In Dogs And Cats

Treating Diarrhea in Dogs and Cats

All of us who have pets must be aware that our most faithful friends can also feel sick and unwell from time to time. Diarrhea, for example, is usually one of the main ailments in dogs and cats. Let’s see below what is the ideal and most effective treatment of diarrhea in dogs and cats, and what are the possible causes of this pathology.

Origin and possible causes of diarrhea in dogs and cats

There are several factors that can contribute to giving rise to the symptom of diarrhea in our pets. Commonly, the origin of this pathology is usually triggered by an inflammation or infection in the digestive system.

Alterations in the diet, food of not so good quality, and poisoning due to them, are usually the main causes of the origin of diarrhea.

It is very common that, before the manifestation of the symptom of diarrhea, other deteriorated health conditions appear in parallel. This is the case of vomiting and fever.

How does diarrhea affect the organism of our pets?

Diarrhea usually originates from an alteration in the digestive system of our dog or cat. And that is why it will manifest itself clearly in the mood of our pet.

Along with diarrhea, there are other associated symptoms, such as vomiting or fever. When we notice our pet somewhat emotionally down, showing clear signs of sadness and / or dejection, it is likely that it is suffering from intense colicky pain.

It is very important that, before these symptoms, we pay due attention. If the stool has gone from being soft to completely liquid, it is a clear symptom. Also if they are surrounded by blood and mucosa. In these cases, it will be necessary for us to immediately go to a veterinarian to assist our pet.

One of the most serious consequences of diarrhea in pets is dehydration. We must not forget to supply our four-legged friend with a lot of water, before the manifestation of this pathology.

Treating Diarrhea in Dogs and Cats

Once we have made sure that the symptoms of our dog or feline are diarrhea, we must act. What is the best treatment for diarrhea in dogs and cats?

In the first instance, it is necessary to remember that diarrhea is not considered a disease in itself. Actually, it is also a symptom, so it will be necessary to determine the cause that has given rise to this pathology.

If the diarrhea has lasted for a period of time greater than 24 hours, you should go to the vet. It will be he who imposes an adequate treatment for the presented pathology.

It is true that the treatment of diarrhea in dogs and cats will depend on each case. Also of the causes that have originated this symptom. However, there are some general tips that can be taken to alleviate the effects of diarrhea.

Fasting and soft diet

Fasting from solid foods is usually one of the best alternatives when it comes to treating diarrhea in dogs and cats. So is the provision of a bland diet. Generally, these two nutritional measures tend to be highly effective when it comes to fighting diarrhea in pets. If it is a serious infection, these two measures will clearly be insufficient.

A soft diet to treat diarrhea in cats and dogs may consist of the supply of foods such as chicken, rice and fish. These foods will always be boiled.

It is very important to keep the dog or cat very well hydrated, while the pathology remains.

These eating tips should be followed for about four to five days. It’s about being able to see that the stools start to look normal again. In addition, little by little, we will see how the mood of our pet is the same as before.

The end of the treatment of diarrhea in dogs and cats

Once the diarrhea and other symptoms have ceased, we can return to return to their usual pet food for our dog or cat. We must make sure that this normal diet is of good quality, and that it has not been the culprit of causing the condition.

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