Signs That You Love Dogs More Than People

Signs that you love dogs more than people

Are there signs that say you can love a dog more than a person?

Well, each pet lover transmits their affection to their little friend in different ways. Some are more passionate and others are less effusive.

Regardless of the degree of demonstration, the truth is that some owners do love dogs more than people. In fact, some humanize them to such an extent that it can become, perhaps, something sick.

Here are some signs that can show why a dog may be more loved than a person.

Details that we must take into account

dog and owner

Dogs, unlike people, do not speak

Therefore, if you are one of those who cannot stand criticism and prefer to withdraw into silence, a dog may be a good option.

The signal that you have humanized your little friend will be the one that indicates that your time depends on his time.

eye! The above does not mean that you do not have to meet the needs of your dog. We actually mean that, for example, you cannot deprive yourself of outings for your dog.

Your bed, his bed

Sometimes dogs sleeping with their owners can become a problem. Perhaps if you are single, with few visits, there is not so much inconvenience. However, if you are quite sociable, it may not be a good idea for your pet to take over your bed.

Where as I eat he

When you have pets, hygiene is essential. Suddenly your dog eating in the same place that you do can be counterproductive.

The dog must have his space and his eating schedule. If not, you can feed him poorly and urge him to start begging. Now, if your dog eats much better than you, perhaps there is also a problem there.

Sometimes schedules can also be a problem and your social life can be harmed by your dog’s needs.

Other signs

If you can keep all that wealth of data in your memory but ignore the birthdays of your friends, all is said. You know who you love the most.

When you come home from interacting with other dogs, do you feel guilty? Well, if the answer is yes, don’t hide it. His sense of smell already gave you away. Better treat him to a ride.

Maybe when you watch a movie your sensitivity level is bulletproof and low blows. But if you’re right next to your little friend and a nasty scene took its toll on him, then you are likely to turn off the TV and try to comfort him.

dogs understand person

You may or may not have children of your own, but it doesn’t really matter, because you have over a million photos with your puppy. That fills you with pride and fights any kind of loneliness.

After a long, hard day, when no one else can comfort you, sometimes all you need is a hug from your dog. He always knows when a little love is needed and is never going to judge you.

Do you have more than a hundred nicknames for your dog? some don’t even sound like coherent words, just a chain of syllables and sound effects. They get it, so who cares if someone else doesn’t.

It doesn’t matter how stressful your work day was, or how bad the drive home was. When you arrive at your home you will always get a good reception from your pet.

You are one of those who hates when people walk slowly in front of you but, with pleasure, when you go with your little friend you stop as many times as to please him.

If you are a dog lover, surely most of your friends are also super pets.

Surely you would do anything to work in an office that would allow you to bring your pet.

Finally, is your wardrobe smaller than your dog’s ? Your little friend probably has everything. From toys to clothes, passing through the latest fashion accessories.

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