Prohibit The Use Of Wild Animals In Circuses
At Better with Pets we always defend the rights of animals, understanding that they are living beings that must be cared for and cared for, whether they are domestic pets, wild or exotic animals.
On this occasion we want to announce a news that has delighted the associations that defend animal rights, it must be said, that also us. And it is that in Mexico the use of wild animals in circuses is prohibited. This practice had already been prohibited in some states of the country, but since December the rule has been extended to the entire state of Mexico.
The law that prohibits the use of wild animals in circuses
In December 2014, a law came to light stating that “in six months the use of wildlife specimens in circuses across the country will be prohibited.” This new regulation was announced by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) and the decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
As expected, this law has given relief and joy to the associations that protect animal rights, but also the opposition of the owners of the different circuses that run through the country, who will present to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources , a database in which they have to include the number of wild animals they have and their characteristics.
This registry must be presented so that the different animals are selected and made available to the different zoos in the country. But those species that do not meet the requirements to live in zoos will be taken to wildlife research centers, belonging to Semarnat.
This law must be complied with by the circus owners, if this is not the case, they will be fined from 50 to 50 thousand times the minimum wage, of those people who comment on the infractions.
This new regulation is perhaps one of the most striking advances in terms of the protection of animal rights, especially in Mexico.
Other countries prohibit this practice
The law to prohibit the use of wild animals in circuses, although it is very new in Mexico, had already been put into practice in some countries, such as Greece, Sweden or Finland, where all kinds of animal shows have already been banned.
In Mallorca, Spain, a law has also been approved that prohibits the installation of circuses that use wild animals, even if they do not participate in the show. This measure has been highly valued by the Society for the Protection of Animals, which considers the treatment given to them in different public shows degrading.
The city of Malaga in Spain, prohibits circuses with animals and fair attractions that use ponies are also prohibited. This has been thanks to the Malaga Animal and Plant Protection Association, which for years have been claiming the rights of these precious animals. But Malaga is not the only municipality in Andalusia that restricts the use of animals in circuses, also Benalmádena, Priego de Córdoba and a total of 181 municipalities throughout Spain, have decided to prohibit the exhibition of animals in circuses.
Examples of circuses without animals
But this law does not mean that circuses have to disappear, quite the opposite, in this way the talent of the people who work in them will be more valued, who are true artists with a very sacrificed life. There is a list of circuses around the world that do not use animals in their shows, this is the case of the Atayde Circus.
This circus has decided to start a new stage in its journey, staging new shows, with new artists. It is a circus that works in Mexico and that has offered an incredible circus show to the media, declaring that the circus is not only the animals, but also the talented artistic cast of the people that make it up.
From here we applaud this type of initiative on the part of the governments of each country, as well as the professionals who make a living from the entertainment world, in this case from the endearing circuses.