5 Ways To Help Your Dog Beat The Heat
Summer is one of the best seasons of the year for people and pets, but if you’re not careful, it can also be a dangerous time for your pet. To prevent some inconveniences that can occur in times of summer, in this article we share some ways to help your dog fight the heat.
Refresh your dog
Summer is a perfect time to enjoy outdoor activities with your pet. However, you have to take into account certain recommendations so that they can practice any type of activity without major difficulties.
In this regard, a very important point to keep in mind is that, unlike people, dogs and cats cannot sweat as efficiently as their owners do.
Therefore, you should pay great attention to the so-called “heat stroke”. To avoid them, make sure that your dog always has access to shade and water during the walk. And remember: if you have a dog with a brachycephalic nose, such as Bulldogs, pay more attention, since this type of breed suffers much less from the heat.
There are some signs that let you know if your dog is suffering from heat exhaustion. One of them is excessive panting, a red tongue, some instability, vomiting and bloody diarrhea.
If you suspect that your pet is suffering from heat stroke, try to cool it down by soaking it with cold water. If you like water, you can buy a baby pool. Without a doubt they will love it and do not forget it, quickly go to your pet’s vet if you notice that your dog is suffering from heat stroke, since without timely treatment, it can be fatal for him.
Avoid hot surfaces
Pets are helpful and never complain. While this is a noble quality, it can also cause problems, especially if your pet intends to run for several hours during the hot summer months.
Running on asphalt or sand can be a problem, as these surfaces get very hot and can burn your dog’s cushions. To avoid this, it is best to exercise with your pet first thing in the morning or at night to avoid overheating or burning their pad.
Never leave your pet in a car
Avoid leaving your pet in a parked car when the weather is too hot. Why risk your dog’s life? Leave it safe in your home with access to shade and plenty of fresh water. Remember that pets are more vulnerable to heat exhaustion than people.
If your dog spends a lot of time outdoors, make sure they have a kennel to relax, cool off, and recharge.
Cut your dog’s hair
During the summer months, if your dog belongs to a long-haired breed such as English Sheepdog, Collie, Afghan Hound, trim his hair so that he can stay cool and comfortable.
Feed him healthily
Feeding your dog healthily during the summer is essential. It is key that you incorporate some vegetables into your diet, such as carrots. This type of vegetable, which is a delight for your pet, also serves as a toy.
In summer, another vegetable that cannot be missed is frozen green beans. These little vegetables are like candy to them.
Another food that you can give your dog is banana with peanut butter. Obviously they love this recipe but do not abuse this proposal, just give it a serving once a week.
Those dogs also really like yogurt, but do not use sugary products. Greek yogurt that is flavorless and sugar free is best for dogs. You can sprinkle a little on their croquettes Faced with this proposal, which is undoubtedly very fresh, surely your little friend will not offer any resistance.
Finally, many dogs like ice cubes. You can prepare flavored cubes with meat or chicken broth. To make them, prepare the broth, let it cool. Then pour the mixture into ice buckets and leave it in the freezer for a few hours until they turn into ice.